Website Live!!

Well I did it! I finally launched my website for all to see. I really hope that you enjoy your stay!
Some have brought up the issue with having to sign up to view parts of the site. Well I hope that it won't turn you away. Think of it like this. You ARE visiting a museum...of some sort, and by signing up you will be able to partake in things others are not. I also would like to build a database of members. This will help me add new things for the site and run contests to win Metroid merch!!
Your privacy is and will always be protected and I will use your email only for notifications about the site and I will never send spam or sell my members info to anyone! That is just wrong.
Thank you for all those who have signed up already and have enjoyed their stay. If you'd like I would love to get some feedback about the site. What works, what doesn't.