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My Blog
My Blog
Happy Birthday metroid! The long awated update!
Id like to begin by wishing Metroid a happy Birthday! Updated the Museum just in time for metroid's anniversary! This year was exciting...

Another long overdue update added! Metroid Dread is here!
Sorry for the long overdue update! I know The last time I updated the museum was three years ago. Since then a lot has happened. On Oct...

A long overdue update.
The last time I updated the museum was sometime last year. Since then I have been busy planning and getting married! Who knew that...

Even more Samus Returns items added to the gallery!
I know it has been quite a whole since my last update. A lot of things (good and bad) have happened over the course of the summer that...

Samus Returns items added to the gallery!
I know it has been since June that I have updated! I, like everyone else had been eagerly waiting for Metroid: Samus Returns to come out....

Overdue update! Even MORE items added to the gallery!
I know it has been a while since I have updated! The challenge of finding items wages on. I have managed to find some rather nice and...

More items added to the gallery!
Happy New Year Metroid fans! I know it has been a while since I have last updated but finding items is a challenge as always, not to...

Items added to the gallery
A small update today. I have added 3 more items to the Gallery. I did not know that the Gamer Graffix item existed, so when I saw it...

Design change
Due to user feedback, some people where having difficulty navigating the images, So I moved the arrows to the outside for easier...

Items added to the gallery
Looking for items to add to my collection is not really easy these days. It take time and a lot of patience, especially when it comes to...

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